
How to remove Autorun.inf with AVG

Here are some typical malware which can install autorun.inf.exe file to your computer and give your computer a critical strike.
Autorun.inf virus contains three execute files which are kavo.exe, ntdelect.com and autorun.inf. All of them are hidden files. You cannot find the by showing hidden files. The only way to find them is to use DOS command.

Not all user have computer savvy. I was suffered from this virus a lot. Success got rid of it using RegTool and want to share it with you.

To remove Autorun.inf

Tools you need RegTool and AVG anti-virus.

Also here is an easy way to remove Autorun.inf manually!

click Start>Run>enter “CMD” them you will see and command window. In the command prompt, you can search for any exe.files. First we can disable “read only” and “hidden” attributes.
Enter the word in prompt.
Check C drive: key in dir c:\/a/w
2 then
attrib -s -h -r c:\autorun.inf
attrib -s -h -r c:\ ntdelect.com
You can use the same way to disable attributes of other drive such like D, E, etc.
3 OK, everything is done, we can now remove these two files.
For C drive, you can enter
del c:\autorun.inf
del c:\ntdelect.com

The same to D drive
How about kavo.exe? You need to repeat step1 and step 2 to disable attributes.
The delete command is different with them.
attrib -s -h -r c:\windows\system32\kavo.exe
del c:\windows\system32\kavo.exe

last thing you should do:
Open registry editor by entering Regedit.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
Remove Kavo value.

